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This production was part of a double bill with Persuit of Pleasure
Druid Theatre, Chapel Lane, Galway...13th Oct - 17th Oct
20th Oct - 24th Oct

Beckett's Endgame an hilarious and triumphal play is a theatrical experience way beyond the ordinary. This experience is a double-edged one, offering both superb comedy and a profound vision of the human condition.


Hamm...Paul O'Neill
Cloy...Séan McGinley
Nagg...Eugene Scanlon
Nell...Rebecca Bartlett

Production Team

Production Manager/ Set Construction...Steve Plant
Set Construction...Séan McGinley
Lighting Consultant...Padraic Boran

Artistic Director...Garry Hynes
Administrator...jerome Hynes

This production was part of a Double Bill with The Pursuit of Pleasure

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Production Details
A play by Samuel Beckett
Directed by: Paul Brennan
Design: Garry Hynes & Stephen Plant
Lighting Design: Yannig Guiomard
Costume Design: Marie Mullen
"..a show to be warmly recommended…" Irish Press
"it is a tribute to Mr. Brennan and his actors that they bring alive the deep, poetic feeling of this difficult play and succeed very weel in fusing its elements of farce and tragedy" Irish Times
Flood Street, Galway, Ireland
Tel +353 91 568660 Fax +353 91 563109
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